Roger Island Visitors Center & Museum

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Explore our exhibits, expand your knowledge, and check out our calendar of special events. Immerse yourself in history and plan your next visit!

When Europeans first arrived in this area, Native Americans had already been here for nearly 6000 years. Learn more about the area’s first occupants and the significance of Rogers Island and historic Fort Edward in early American history.

Archaeologist Dr. David Starbuck spent decades working on Rogers Island, Fort Edward and other related archaeological sites. His excavations and research form an integral part of our knowledge of the area’s prehistoric and historic inhabitants. Learn more about Dr. Starbuck and his local archaeological contributions.

Robert Rogers forever changed military tactics when he wrote his “Ranging Rules” while encamped on the island. As a result the U. S. Army Rangers consider the Rogers Island to be their “spiritual birthplace”. Learn more about Rogers Rangers and their important role in military history.

Learn more about the history of the Rogers Island Visitors Center, its mission, board and staff.